Travel Essentials

I’m headed out for a work trip soon and I thought I’d share what have come to be my travel essentials. Life when you’re traveling is usually quite different than life at home, so it’s super important to be prepared for any situation! Make sure you pack these items on your next trip to makeRead more

Cinque Terre, Italy

Overlooking Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Ah, Cinque Terre…my love affair with you started off with a Rick Steves video. Not wanting to be super basic and go to Venice, Florence, and Rome, I started looking at some possible other places we could go in Italy. And then I learned all about this enchanting little coastal strip in the Northwest regionRead more

Coconut Almond Macaroons

I have to be honest here, y’all. I made this recipe and took these pictures like a year and a half ago. I just never got around to posting this recipe because I suck at blogging. But that doesn’t make these little macaroons any less delicious! Seriously, this pan is unrecognizable from the picture above. Like,Read more