Why I Quit My Blog…Then Started Again

Well, I’m back in the blogging game! Totally failed my first go at it, but I’m giving it another go! I want to use this first post to explain why I shut down my first blog, and what I hope to do with this one.

I started this site when I was nearing the end of my dietetic internship. I didn’t exactly know how or where I wanted to start a career as a dietitian. I had this idea that I would be a consultant (because I didn’t really know that you had to have experienceΒ to do that). So naturally I did all the research and had to start a website!

I was learning so much and so passionate about health and wellness, I just wanted somewhere I could share it all. I wanted to use a blog/website as a tool for future clients. I wanted to share recipes, healthy habits, lifestyle tools, and research-backed information on health. The only thing was, I was still so new in the field. I lacked experience and confidence in my beliefs. And of course I still do! I may have 2 more years under my belt, but I still continue to learn and grow everyday. Anyways, I was so focused on creating the perfect posts, with the perfect structure that posting became a chore, rather than a fun hobby.

Fast forward about a year and I got a brand new job! I was so excited. I was going from part-time to full-time and in a setting that gave me the opportunity to be really hands-on with food. Hello! Dream job! So I completely threw myself into it. I took work home with me many times a week, wanting to finish a big project as soon as possible. Then came more big projects. I was so enthusiastic and giving it my all everyday that I came home and just wanted to zone out. Not even be by a computer. I was surrounded by food and nutrition facts and recipes all day. And on top my time-consuming new job, I was dedicating my weekends to spending time with my long-distance boyfriend. So it just got to be too much. I always preach balance and try to maintain it in my life whenever possible. So I made the decision to shut it down. It was a relief.

About a year into my new job (this past January) I had come to realize that the work never stops. There will always be more, and if I take it home every night, I will burn out. I tried not to stress myself out and just tell myself I can always pick back up tomorrow. I started exercising more, cooking more, and hanging with girlfriends more. I felt like I was finally getting some balance back into my life!

Since I was doing more cooking and had made more of a commitment to give myself some time at home, I started to wish I still had the blog as a creative outlet. I missed sharing recipes and experimenting in the kitchen, connecting with other RDs and bloggers, the excitement of clicking publish and posting on social media. Even if my only readers were my mom and grandma, it was exciting, fun, and it was something that was completely and totally mine.

So here I am again, back on wordpress and already driving my boyfriend crazy taking pictures of everything I put in my mouth. But I’m excited to be back! This time around, I hope to better express my voice, be less structured with posts, and just have fun with it. I want my content to be meaningful and helpful to people, but also not a burden on me. If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading! Leave me a message or comment with anything you want to see on here!

xx Amy